We have several large companies have shown their concern for eye safety when working employees. I think the small industries as well as it should be. Because of safety and health can not be considered normal. Do you want to lose sight when leaving work. How does your family think if they see you come home from work in a blind? How awful is not it? While there may be small industries that do not provide safety equipment, it would be nice if our own self is concerned about our safety.
Already many examples of accidents associated with the eye. When an employee is using a wire cup brush to clean it grind it work without wearing protective goggles, immediately separated from one wire cups with a high rotational speed wire is able to throw with great force in any direction without seeing tembaknya target. What happened kamudian? 1 / 100 seconds later, the employee yelled, a wire stuck in his eye. It was horrible.
It is very important the security of your eyes, so that a company that cares about workplace safety will give a warning if found employees do not care about their own safety. The company certainly does not want his company known for several blind employees work accident which occurred at the company.
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